
Stone Cold



6 Years
02-14-2015, 03:47 PM

In those waiting moments, Kuwindwa noted a change - his gaze flicked from her to the ground, to the sky - but not on her, not again, not in the same, direct, take-charge way. Ku's ears splayed uncertainly as she remained and her paws shifted in the grassy mud until he shook his head and told her simply, "Keep it." He rose and left without another word and Kuwindwa, too startled by this decision, did nothing to stop him. She had told him to take it! Albeit, her tone had held all the spite she could muster at any given moment... she just hadn't expected him to give up. No, that wasn't right, she decided. He hadn't given up - he could easily have forced her away. He had relented. It didn't matter if it was remorse, or shame, or honor that had changed his mind. All that mattered was the fact he had left her be - just as she would have asked given the chance.

Why was that surprising? Kuwindwa wondered. Had she really become so paranoid as to expect violence from any wolf she met? Trust no one. They will all stab you in the back the moment you turn away. Yes, she supposed she had. It was a disturbing revelation. She had not realized how strongly it affected her until just now... but then, when was the last time she had anything like "healthy" interaction with another wolf? Weeks? Months? "Rusty" would be a kind way of defining her already poor social skills.

The dark male was long gone when Kuwindwa finally broke her statuesque trance with a brutal shake of her coat. She dodged back into her shelter just as the wind picked up again, angry and snarling. The mist had become a real downpour, something she would have to wait out... though she almost thought she should move on. She was conflicted as she also felt she should stay. She told herself it was because there was no point in wasting what she had here - a small shelter where, with any luck, she would not be disturbed again. But in her heart she knew it was something else: to leave now would be spiteful, after the man had allowed her to return to the shelter regardless of circumstance. Kuwindwa could not do that, could not leave, even though no one would witness her behavior. She blinked rain out of her eyes.

In time perhaps her shell would soften. If perchance she ever met that same, strange wolf again, maybe her words would be softer - if not kinder. Maybe. But it was unlikely their paths might cross again, and her fate had determined she might run forever. Lowering her head, Kuwindwa closed her eyes. This rain would pass, and when it did, she would be gone.

Exit Kuwindwa.

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa