
Death Of An Assassin

Ezekiel I


06-04-2013, 07:58 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


one time, very, very long ago, ezekiel had stopped for a little while and thought: wow, maybe i have better things to do. what a joke that was.

with a cackle the gargantuan bird alighted above the crowd, drawn to despair and deception like a moth to light. it was safe to say that the scavenging avian had a keen sense for it, if not even a sixth one. from his perch he stared down at the situation below, having watched the beginning of the spectacle from above but now being within audible range, hearing the word 'traitor' cast about. a pretty white gal seemed to be the accuser in this, throwing her insults at a chick covered in absolutely disgusting muck and at another male who seemed to have tried to rescue the dirty gal. he took in all of this, and had his facial features been capable of such, a wicked grin would have struck itself across his face. tortuga--the pack he'd tried to sway into deception only to be met by some blubbering idiots incapable of their own thought.

"a bitch, a deserter,

a traitor, you say?

good, toss her in

and forbid her the light of day!

"the white woman is right,

why save the girl?

ugh, your precious emotions

give me the need to hurl!

"she tried to end her life;

the coward's way out!

she deserves zero mercy

without a damn doubt!

"give her what she wanted:

the cold embrace of death!

i promise, dear, it's not too bad--

just a little lack of breath!"

as he spoke in a tone laden heavily with crackling and rasp, his body moved with the rhythm of his lyrics, causing the branch beneath him to waver wildly and bounce, but never once did he allow it to near breaking. he laid his beady eyes fondly upon the lady known as 'morphine', a rumbling peal of laughter trickling ever-so-slightly from the depths of his chest. what glee she brought to his heart with her perfect sense of judgement! it made the vulture wish to sing with praise, but he bit his tongue, staring down the other two perpetrators with an unwavering glare.