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5 Years
02-14-2015, 11:08 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2015, 11:30 PM by Caeli.)
Astrea had only looked at her older siblings and know that the life that she and her litter mates had lived where forever changed. Parents that seemed to have a dark past pushed there loved offspring away, and she her sister and brothers seemed to have the misfortune to have parents with said past. Not that she was sure they where loved now, even with a dark past shouldn't family stay together?

So when Voltage and Glacier showed up on the day their parents turned to them and kicked them out, she was all willing to turn from the family that did not want her and turn to the ones that did. She moved to the back of the pack, easily missed, just the way she liked it; she was the quite one in their litter, always the last to everything.

And thus she meet her other siblings. She sat at the back, behind the moon and sun, the ever distant stars.

Astrea watched as the fire one and Voltage banter, and then watching as more of the elements arrived. Family that she hardly remembered but yet still loved. She did not come into anyone's line of sight until her sister moved to tease Serefina. Which she took that moment to moved behind Solaris, her starry tail curling close to his back paws. She felt closet to Solaris and Salini and hoped the two felt the same, even though she was the backdrop to their brightness.

She again felt comfortable as the talk took a different turn. A new place to live, even though she was getting used to the idea of living on this volcano. It was close to the stars where she was most comfortable. something the island she was born on just did not give her. Astrea looked up, her ears slightly moving back, thinking about the night sky she looked into the last night at the only home she knew. Her eyes glazed a bit as she relived the wonder of watching the world slowly turn. It seemed like a year ago that she wondered what life would bring. But that was yesterday and this was today, time to move on. Time to make a new life, close to the stars; hopefully.