
Sand Striker -Male

Sand Striker

06-04-2013, 08:14 PM
OOC Name: Wanderer
How did you get here?: Been here a while now
Age: 19

Character's Name: Sand Striker
Age: 2
Season of birth: Autumn
Size: bout average 35 inches and 70 pounds
Appearance description: sandy is a thin wolf with long legs and a compact body. His coat is the golden coloration of desert sand which darkens to a dirty blond along his spine and lightening to a whitish cream across his stomach. His fur is quiet thin, genetics from his desert dwelling cousins meaning it lengthens only slightly during the winter. A dark mask only slightly lighter then the strip along his back covers his face and from it shine two pits of amber fire. This legs and body have only a few scrapes and scares hidden under his fur and he has been amassing these all his life so much so he can not tell you which scar came from when. The most noticeable difference comes when he speaks or more exactly when he doesn?t, for though he is able to produce a whisper when necessary he far prefers to remain silent and let his actions do the talking. His tail is long and in proportion to the rest of his body, and his ears stand always erect listening to every conversation, for though he can not speak he has a sharp mind and is always on the look out for information to further his aims, what ever they may be. The only time he truly relaxes is when he sleeps though still curled tight the muscles in his shoulders can in sleep be seen to finally relax.
Duty: Spy