
Lost and Found



4 Years
Extra large
02-14-2015, 11:36 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2015, 11:38 PM by Seerten.)

With a final huffing breath, the boy finally made it to the very top of the cliffs. He had been struggling to get to the top, but he needed to get there. It was the very tallest point in all of Alacritia and he would be able to see the whole land spread before his paws. The mutt walked as close to the edge as he dared, his chocolate wide as he took in everything before him. It was noon, so the sun shone down on everything and made it glimmer. Awe filled him, and he sat and basked in it. Everything below him was so small, it made him feel so... so large. He lost his mother, Sayang, and the brute names Stolz who cared for the pups since they were born. He also wasn't able to find his other two siblings, which is why he climbed this giant mountain.

Oh right! His family! That is why he had come up here. He looked down again and realized his mistake. He was way to far up to ever pick out the site of a wolf or dog below him. Unless they were coming up the cliffs themselves. Seerten's ears drooped even further, his head lowering as he whined softly. He had to come up with a new plan now, a new way to find his family. He did miss them, but it was quite an adventure, being alone. Yes it was scary at times, and he did get cold at night, but he had found out things about the world and himself. If the fire hadn't broken out, he wouldn't have found the things that he had. Like for instance, if you hit a frog on the back with your paw, it flips over and plays dead. Then it squirts out a gross liquid that is super smelly. He learned after that... no more hitting frogs.

Seerten folded to the earth gracefully, letting his paws hang over the edge of the cliff. He swayed them to and fro as his fluffy tail swept across the ground. He was a strange creature because of the mixture of his parents. He had the same off-white coat as his mother, and pale black spots speckling his back, belly and legs. His fur was a mix of the short, course dalmatian fur coated most of his body, while his chest, neck, and paws had the rougher, more course hair. His tail was a full out wolf tail, making him look awkward and silly. He didn't really like it sometimes, but it was who he was and he knew that he couldn't change it. With a small huff, Ten rested his head on his dangling paws.

The silence was nice, it meant that he could actually think and enjoy the view without any distractions. He really should go on to find his mother, but he had worked so hard to get up here that he didn't want to leave just yet. Who knew, maybe by staying here Sayang would actually come and find him! That would be fun. That meant that his search was over, and he could focus on something else. Like... hunting. He wasn't very good at that...

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.