
Lost and Found



4 Years
Extra large
02-15-2015, 12:28 AM

He was gazing down at the sheer drop when he heard the disturbance behind him. His perked and flopped ear swiveled, but he thought that it was nothing but the wind. He was quite busy, trying to see just how far down the bottom really was. Finding a loose rock he kicked it down, ears straining forward as he leaned even closer to the edge, trying to listen for when it hit the earth. But that is when he heard a cry and felt something pounce upon his furry tail. Startling he scrambled on his paws, teetering dangerously close to the edge on the cliff. Rearing up on his hind legs he tipped his body backwards, trying to not fall downwards and over the edge. As he felt himself falling, he stretched out his front legs and kicked his back legs out further, tail twirling as he basically flipped himself over -- and landing directly over the critter who attacked his tail. It was a good thing he was much taller than the girl, otherwise he would had squished her beneath him. Lowering his head, he looked down towards his belly at the little girl, his folded ear flopping open as he did so. He gazed at her with a raised brow, taking in her blue feather and black and white coat. Just like him, except she was more black than she was white. There was quite a few beats of silence as he looked at her, before he grinned slightly. "You must be careful little one, you could have knocked me right over that cliff," he said in his calm, smooth voice.

Ten raised his head again, walking a few paces away so that he was not standing over her anymore. Folding himself to his rump, he kept eying her with his chocolate brown eyes. His fluffy tail curled around his thin furred legs, spotted head turning to the side. That was quite the climb, and yet she seemed to make it up with quite some ease. Huh, she must be a rather good climber then. He said nothing else but simply waited, noticing that she was young and probably bubbling with questions. It did concern him that she wasn't with her parents, but he was not one to judge. Slowly he lowered himself slowly until his nearly bald belly rested on the earth. His eyes fell on her feather then, eyes squinting as he gazed at it. Was that the feather of a blue macaw? Those were pretty rare birds, he hadn't heard of them being around much. Hmm, where had she gathered it if his findings were correct? Different shaped ears perked slightly, wishing to ask her but holding back.

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.