
Plot Time With Wind



6 Years
02-15-2015, 10:11 AM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2015, 08:42 AM by Kuwindwa.)
Kuwindwa Namir
Female |+| Heterosexual |+| Five Years |+| Loner |+| Single

Kuwindwa is a wolf on the run. She believes she is still pursued by enemies and as a result, she is extremely cautious around others. She will not join a pack while she believes she could bring danger into their midst - so until she knows she is no longer being followed she is determined to remain alone. She is suspicious of everyone. She does realize she may go a little too far with her paranoia and is trying to tone it down. Thing is, Kuwindwa needs to come out of her shell - or at least realize she's going to be safe. She needs to find someone she believes she can trust. Whether she finds it in a makeshift family, a lover (though admittedly that might be next to impossible, but would be worth trying) doesn't matter. She will have to get to a breaking point where she opens up eventually, at least about her pursuers.

While it is almost certain she is no longer being followed, there's also the possibility that her pursuers could appear here on-site - I've left them deliberately nameless and vague enough just in case. She won't join a pack unless it's by force or someone can convince her she should through other means - gaining her trust and talking her down (which could take several threads). Plots with Kuwindwa don't have to revolve around this by any means though, and I'm open to pretty much anything. Just give me your thoughts! It will be more difficult for her to thread with quieter characters except under circumstances where Ku will be forced to interact with them, but hey... we're a creative bunch, right?

Mikhail Weiß
Male |+| Heterosexual |+| Four Years |+| Loner |+| Single

Mikhail is the sort who can get along with almost anyone. He speaks very formally in most circumstances and can be polite to a fault... he's a pleasant guy to be around and while he isn't necessarily outgoing he's normally pretty good company. He likes to sing and it isn't unusual for him to be humming a few bars of some melody he's made up.

He's not actively seeking a pack, but he would join one where he believes he'd fit in. His past has had its share of trauma, but for the most part he's pretty straightforward and has no real plots fleshed out ... so if you have an idea and Mikhail strikes your fancy, have at 'im!

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa