
adventure time

Finch I


4 Years

02-15-2015, 02:53 PM

Her soft blue eyes watched at her brother spun around in circles, her own paw rising to try and catch one of the falling pedals. She had never seen anything so pretty before, and her head spun as she tried to take it all in at once. She wasn't one for wandering so far away, but she knew deep in her heart that it had been worth it this time. Now that Finch had seen it, she knew that she would never forget it, and was glad that she had followed Starling here. She blinked down at the brown and white boy as he came up to nudge her, giggling softly as she batted her paw towards him. He asked if they could see this in the plains, and she shook her head with vigor. No, nothing like this was in Abaven, just a bunch of evil snakes. She hated those terrible things, all gross and slippery. Her brother baffled him next though, asking what she wanted to be when she grew up. Blinking, she walked over and sat down beside him. Leaning her pale bodice against him, she thought for a long while. What did she want to do when she was older? She had no idea. She didn't really want to be a fighter, that was far too scary. She also wasn't interested in herbs and flowers like Starling, so what did that leave her? Her mind wandered, not even knowing what was left. "Um," she whispered, looking up at her brother. "I'm good at hiding..." she wasn't quite sure what rank her Daddy made good hiders, but she was really good at that! "You wanna be what Aunty Harmony is?" Finch asked, starting to open up a bit and use more words than she was used to. He asked her another question, asking if they were too little to learn things. Shrugging her shoulders, she let out a huff. Daddy seemed eager to teach them things, so maybe they could start learning soon?