
If You Love Me Don't Let Go



2 Years
02-15-2015, 08:45 PM
He could easily see her excitement, which would only heighten his own awareness as they inspected the trail. He'd grin as Zola took it in, curious and eager to get away from that which was already known to them. Getting her out of her comfort zone was one talent he seemed to have, and thus far she had grown more from it. Their encounter with the crab had left her more brave, would this trip do the same? How close were they from running away? His sister would waste no time in turning down the trail, and his own pale paws would follow after her easily.

He'd hear a faint question, but he wasn't sure what she'd asked at first. He'd take a long moment to answer, but it wasn't much better than her own internal musings. "I've never been to the end, I don't know. If you want to go all the way to the end lets do it." He would let her keep the lead, though he would have normally preferred storming ahead to make sure the way was clear for her he knew she'd enjoy going first for a while.

He was thankful he had been paying attention to his sister's pace, her sudden stop would not be interrupted by the boy who would slow to a halt behind her, just as curious as he looked over her shoulder to see what it was she'd found herself staring at. She'd question him as his bright blue eyes found the form of the creature. "A deer. Food." He'd get a wicked smile to play across his features. "Not that we could catch that one in particular." He'd resort to whispering now.