
you just can't hide



7 Years
02-16-2015, 03:02 PM
(ooc;; in case you can't tell from the post, Nat's challenging Cat for death)


How dare she?!

It was hard to believe her most recent litter was old enough to be ready for their first adventures outside the den and that she was still alive to see that day come. The birth had been beyond what she expected, leaving her in and out of consciousness for many days as she fought against her illness to keep strength enough to care for her young. She remember bits and pieces of their time in the den together. She remembered Thanatos being the first to find her out in the Strip and Helios arriving eventually, but everything else was coated in a gray haze.

Natalya had been sure that after she finished bringing her children to strength that she would've died then and there, but something else had brought her a surge of adrenaline. She was ready for one last hurrah, as it were. Adrenaline surged through her veins as she padded swiftly to the Battlefield, ignoring the repulsive scents of blood and gore.

How DARE she?!

Cataleya. She had taken things too damn far to go back now. A combination of pregnancy and illness had kept Natalya calm at their last encounter, but now she had a rage so fierce that her illness went ignored. The Arcanum queen had irritated the Olympus family at every opportunity since forsaking their alliance - trespassing, continually interfering in Helios's conquests, and now crossing an unforgivable line. Even disowned and shamed, Apollo and Chione were her children and there was nothing she wouldn't do for them. This woman would pay for taking her son and daughter for slaves. She would pay with her life, if Natalya had anything to do about it.

The howl that ripped through her to summon the bitch was violent and cruel, and it made her intentions clear to any who heard it. This would be Natalya's last stand, and she was going to make every bit of it count.