
every step that I take (ABAVEN)



7 Years

02-16-2015, 09:22 PM

He watched as the boy's mood changed before him so quickly, but did not let his soft smile slip. His head tilted to the side as he went on to explain himself, and to introduce himself as Kassander. He slowly nodded his head, although he was curious about what had happened to Katja. He had no idea that she had come here and spoken to Motif while he was recovering, it had never gotten back to him. "Of course. But before we agree on anything I would like to know a bit about Ebony, and if it has changed in any drastic ways," he said calmly. Shifting a bit towards his son, he looked down and tossed Lark a smile. This was probably pretty boring for the boy, but he was glad that he was here. Golden gaze shifted back up to the colourful alpha, having admitted that he knew nothing about Abaven. Ah, his favorite part. There were no packs out there like his, and he held a bit of pride in that. "As for us, we are basically a pack of mercenaries. We have four main ranks. We have messengers who are trained to be stealthy, and are able to sneak without being detected. We then have our field medics, who are a mix of a messenger and a healer. They are used mainly in battles, they are able to protect themselves with basic fight knowledge and training, as well as being fast an unseen. They go out into battle to heal others quickly so that they are able to either assist them away from the fight, or heal them enough that they can fight again. We have healers of course, and then our guards. Our guards and our field medics are available for other packs to... lease out basically. A trade of protection for something that we need, he paused, taking a deep breath as he grinned at Kass. "Usually for some sort of training."