
I know not where I should begin



4 Years
02-17-2015, 02:41 AM

If it was one thing she did forget to do, it was how to connect with others in a positive way. Her tail flicking back and forth he seemed uninterested in her, it made her expression change to slightly amused. Though as soon as she realized this, she thought the dark was going to creep up on her again. She stopped looking at him blankly, but after his last sentence she figured it was because he was slightly too old to trust a stranger family or not. She finally let out a breath of air that would be similar to a laugh, giggling at the boy. He had an air of supremacy, confidence and cuteness all at the same time. "Sorry for asking, most young boys are eager to speak about their problems." she said a little. "Well, what do you want to talk about then, or am I boring?" Arian would tease slightly.

It felt nice, to be comfortable at least, though she knew if she got out of control she had to hide in a hole. Arian lost touch with herself, generally so because of the trauma in her past which couldn't even be considered trauma? People leaving her as soon as she thought they were going to stick around, it had become the norm for her. She wondered who else felt like that, nobody? She did watch her uncle get slain by these boys grandfather. The sudden thought made her shiver. They didn't even know about the farce between their two mothers family did they? It was far behind them, even if the scars remained.

"Talk" "You" Think