
Love, it is a flower



7 Years
02-17-2015, 03:15 AM

She felt her wife's leg wrap around her shoulders, her tiny body being dragged along the earth as she was pulled closer into Athena. She stifled a sob, pretty much proving her point that she was weak. But when Athena started to speak, her head poked out of her forelegs at her words, shock written clearly on her features. Oh, oh no! She hadn't meant to blame Athena for that! Oh dear... she had really messed it up now. Letting out a whine she leaned into her tender kisses, damp eyes searching her black marked face. "Oh my darling, no, no. I wasn't -- I cannot blame you for that. That is not what I was trying to say. I'm just..." she paused, mind reeling as she tried to think of the right word, "frustrated," Ama said with a sigh, leaning up to press her nose against her cheek. "I know that he is the boys father, and its unfair to not let them see him. But I just... I just don't trust him Athena. I cannot trust that he will just disappear again." She watched as Athena's face twisted, ears pulling back as she begged to be forgiven. "I do not blame you my love, not a bit. He had been there your whole life, I cannot fault you for searching for him. It came out all wrong." She whispered, offering the silver woman a weak smile.

When Athena started too speak again about her being a huge part in making the boys who they were today, her lower lip quivered as she bit down on it, tears streaming down her face at Athena's kind words. Her gaze flickered between each of her wife's two-toned eyes, leaning up to lap up the salty tears on her silver face. "I've been so afraid that they would think of my different with him here now," she said with a sob, burying her face into Athena's neck. "But your words could not have been any sweeter. You have to know that I did it all for you -- all for our family. I would do anything for them my love, and anything for you. You have saved my life time and time again, and now you offer me more love than I can possibly imagine. For that, I thank you," Amalia lifted up her gray fore paw and tried to boop it against Athena's nose, that sweet smile of hers shining through the tears. "I love you with all that I am, with all that I ever could be."

"Talk" "You" Think