
the summer swells in

Saga I


3 Years
02-17-2015, 09:21 AM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2015, 09:21 AM by Saga I.)
Summer was here in full force. The sun seemed to miss no blade of grass as its rays beat down relentlessly on the prairie, warming the land until it was nearly unbearable. With the heat of the season came a strange sort of uncomfortable restless that she didn't know quite how to deal with, so she would do the thing she knew how to do best -- she would hunt.

Slowly Saga Destruction traversed the flat terrain, her small body nearly disappearing into the tall grasses as she went, slinking close to the ground as she stalked her next meal. A rather fat hare had been hopping through the foliage and she had spotted it, knowing instantly it would make a fair meal.

Her most recent conversation with Eirik had helped her grow a bit more bold, even if only slightly. Her packmates likely didn't even know her well enough to recognize the change in her. Though she was content to live in the shadows, and knew she could very likely go unnoticed for most of her life -- maybe that wasn't the best thing for her. Even participating in the small game that Rune had prepared had felt rewarding, even if she hadn't won, and even if her contribution had been minimal.

The girl was silent as she stalked through the grasses, her green gaze fixated on the rabbit in the distance, easily pinpointing his position with each motion of the tall grasses around him. With extreme caution she crept forward, each step highly deliberate as she stalked the hare with precision.