
When Honor Isn't Enough


02-17-2015, 09:51 AM

Thany would wait -- it didn't take long for one of those dark hearted beasts to take the bait of his words. He was not afraid of retaliation. No, perhaps it could be said that the boy of death sought it. He would breathe in, gazing fixing upon the girl who spoke, claiming her alpha had a shit ton more honor than he could ever have. Oh, was that supposed to hurt? Should he say "ow"? His gaze would harden slightly of the femme, a smirk coming to dance on his face. Oh she amused him. What did these dark and cruel bastards know of honor? The silver queen of Arcanum trespassing openly within his lands -- you called disrespecting borders {without cause} honor? "Actually dear, that was directed at the silver Queen, not your oh so 'honorable' king." His words might have, without emotion attached, be considered sweet. But no, Thany's words dripped with venom.  He wouldn't even look at the blue man whom he apparently "insulted", paid no mind to his mocking laugh. No, Thanatos had, for better purposes, lost his true self the moment he entered the battlefield and darker, stronger emotion took him.

He was hardly afraid of her, nor any other wolf here. Thanatos would laugh now as she spoke, her challenge hanging clear as day. "Oh? Is that what you believe? Because I am of the light I won't tear into your sorry carcass and bleed for what I stand for?" His gaze would light with the thought of death looming around him. Even if it could be his aunt, could potentially be any of them, really, Thanatos was not afraid. No, the thought of dancing alond with death, his namesake, brought a shiver of delight up his spine.

Perhaps the boy was not as light as he thought.

But, it was as he always believed. Death was what you made it. Right now, death was no friend to these beasts gathered here. He would move off to the side, to give plenty of room for the combatants to fight to the death, and then his gaze flicked back to the girl as defenses were set into place.


Stance would be widened first, legs and toes alike being spread. Claws would dig into the dry soil of the battlefield, limbs bending and muscles across his body tensing in readiness. Weight would be distributed equally across all four limbs in preparation for the first round while Thanatos chose for his tail to be tucked where it wouldn't become a tempting target. The woman had to be roughly ten inches taller, heavier than him. But did that worry him? No. Not in the slightest. His head would be lowered to align with his spine, neck scrunching while he did not bother tucking in his chin -- with how tall she was the boy figured she would have a harder time reaching his throat while they were both upright. Hackles were raised, lips pulled back in a snarl, as final defenses of pinned ears and narrowed eyes were set.

"Enough talking! Bleed for what you believe, here and now." He would wait for her to make the first move. "Ladies' first." His voice was a challenge of it's own, the snarl rumbling from his chest. Win or lose, he had no shame. He would fight for what he believed, be it right or wrong.

Thanatos vs. Mercy For Dominance / Maim

Round:: 0/??

Attacks:: --

Defenses::  Legs Spread, Toes Spread, Claws Digging Into Soil, Limbs Bent, Muscles Tense, Weight Distributed, Tail Tucked, Head lowered, Neck Scrunched, Hackles Raised, Lips Snarling, Pinned Ears, Narrowed Eyes

Injuries:: --

Notes:: Being lenient with defaults on this, if Eve still agrees, due to our current conditions. Also, since I'm about 99% sure these two will both be going for a maim at this point, go right on ahead Eve. <3 Best of luck. I will state my maim officially in the first round.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono