
I Gave You All



7 Years
Extra large

02-17-2015, 10:47 AM
The time spent alone with his father would be cherished, though his expression was void of this gratitude, instead taut with focus as his ears pinned flat against his skull and his eyes narrowed attentively. There was focus in his green stare as he looked ahead of him, searching for whatever they were trailing in the grass, noting he could smell it long before he saw any sign of the creature. It was quite distinguishable from the other scents around them, something unfamiliar to him -- which is why he could pick it up with such ease. " A visione," he mimicked his word softly, testing it on his tongue, finding these foreign words much more difficult to repeat than the ones spoken in his normal tongue. Still, he knew it was important to his father and he wanted to learn the language himself.

The regular word for it was a mink. It was a long rat, Bass explained, and he wrinkled his nose slightly, wondering if he'd be fast enough to catch it. "I'll try," he uttered softly, not totally confident in his abilities to catch the mink but wanting to try regardless. With that he would creep forward a bit more, nose twitching as he caught another whiff of the creature's scent. Slowly he would swing his head to the side slightly, redirecting his movements slightly toward where he thought the animal was headed. "Think I should chase it now?" his soft, barely-audible question came as he tilted his head to his father's ear, wondering if he ought to begin the real hunt.