
A Whale's Song



06-05-2013, 02:54 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 02:54 AM by Song.)

Ivory ears relaxed against her head as he spoke, her eyes slipping closed as she felt the sleepy take hold. The vibration of his voice through her body soothed her achy muscles. She was relieved at the sound of his sweet words. Her thoughts were echoed in them perfectly. Song could hardly believe they'd just met. But there had been worse occasions. She was glad that she had decided to take a walk down the beach. She was also quite happy she'd hit that wave.
The speed at which her tail wagged slowed as her state of wakefulness fell. She was not completely aware when her counterpart spoke again, but she could comprehend him. He seemed almost unsure of himself as the words left his mouth. She kept silent ad let him continue with his speech. The most wonderful words met her patience. A date?! Her tail involuntarily started wagging faster as her eyes opened once again. She moved her head to try and get a glimpse of his pretty eyes. She tried to hide her excitement as best she could. This would be her first date after all, "Cherokee, I wouldn't miss it for the world." In her sleep-drunk state she didn't think before she leapt and a quick kiss was places on his cheek.
Smiling She placed her head back on his neck, a happy sigh fell from her lips, "Good night." Her tail wagged happily a couple of times before it slowed completely. Her breathing evened and she drifted into a dream.
