
One of a Kind



6 Years
02-17-2015, 10:56 AM
Voltage had slacked a bit when it came to the more quiet of his siblings. They seemed content on their own, so they took a backburner when he was busy scouting the lands. But it wasn’t fair to them, he thought. He spent a majority of his time with Serefina or Glacier, playing or planning, but spent very little time with his other siblings. So he decided to turn that around! So today he searched out for one of them, choosing his earthy brother because he was probably the one Voltage saw the very least. He knew that the Volcano only knocked a few of his elmeental siblings off the checklist, but others got the brunt end of the stick. Locha, who adored water, was forced to be on a scalding mountain filled with lava. Terrae...though the mountain was rock and earth, seemed to lean more towards life and admittedly the place they had chosen had none of that (if they didn’t count themselves, of course). He wouldn’t be surprised if Terrae became the healer of the group, either.

So he searched for him, following a rather fresh scent trail. Naturally it flowed away from the Volcano, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact. Voltage was very perceptive when it came to his siblings, even the ones he didn’t seem to spend a lot of time with. So he quietly followed his brother’s scent, his long gait catching up quickly with his serene brother. When he finally spotted Terrae in the distance he smirked and ducked behind a tree, watching the direction he would go before bounding on silent paws to circle around him. He tried to be as silent and stealthy as he could as he moved to intercept his brother’s path, but he wouldn’t be too surprised if Terrae saw the streak of bright yellow through the shadows. Ducking behind another tree he smirked to himself before leaping out, hopefully just infront of his brother, and grinning a boyish, toothy grin. "My, fancy meeting you here, brother!"

"Burn Baby Burn"