
I made a search through every room



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-18-2015, 01:35 PM

Solilqouy would be nothing but the picture of gentlemanliness, as any Destruction should be as she greeted him properly this time. Knowing she had more family out there was most certainly a comfort to the girl. She might have lost those closest to her but she would never really be away from those who shared the same blood of her veins. He would greet her and the small hint of a smile that played on her features would grow slightly, there was obviously no danger from entertaining the company of a long lost family member.

She'd sigh softly, trying to relax herself and forget the woes that wanted to creep up on her dark form. She wanted to forget the black thoughts that stirred at the back of her mind. What she wished more than anything in the world was the ability to go and sneak into her sister's den again and enjoy the close comfort that she always brought her, but that was impossible. She didn't know what Bass might do to her if he found her in Abaven lands. He'd picked her up from the mud before he'd stormed off, was there hope that he still cared for her or would he hold no reservations and punish her like he might any trespasser?

She'd physically shake her head of the thought before looking back to Sol. "It's not much, but if you want I don't mind sharing my meal." She'd offer as she revealed the rather large prairie dog in her paws. Really she just wanted to feel the comfort of another body close to her own. The loneliness she felt here was maddening. She still didn't feel close enough to Valentine to seek out his presence when she felt the most in need, but the desire to do so was even more tempting as her body begged to reproduce.
