
I made a search through every room



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-18-2015, 03:21 PM

Her bright blue and purple gaze would linger on Soliloquy as she rid herself of the thoughts of Bass and her home, though they wouldn't remain banished for long as Soliloquy found himself asking her if she was alright. She might have expected the question were it her litter mates she were talking to, but the surprise was evident even as he denied any of her meal. Her gaze would avert from him as she thought, wondering if she wanted to divulge her woes and the not so gentle tug on her broken heart she felt. The need to feel Motif at her side was real, and yet so impossible at the same time.

She almost wanted to pretend he hadn't said anything or that she hadn't heard him, as well the truth had no desire to be uttered rom her lips as she felt the despair pour on her once more. Her bright eyes would wander over the knolls that stretched out before her before the emotions welled up and she had to release them. She'd pull her head back, not really caring or noticing Soliloquy's reaction to her odd actions as she let out a long and mournful howl. The obvious need in her voice echoed easily over the hills of the land as she called desperately for her sister, knowing that she would not hear or come.

By the time she lowered her head tiny tears drops of diamond would fall from her eyes, she'd shake her head again as she looked back to her company. She wanted to be alright and content with what she'd been given, but the feeling of her heart being torn out was too much to ignore. She'd sniffle, "Sorry, I.. I'm not really alright but I'm pretending to be." the answer might not have been wahat he was expecting, but maybe it was. In either case she had no wish to divulge furtehr her troubles. Not unless he really wished to pull them from her.
