
Family is not by blood but by those who cares 4 u



06-05-2013, 08:40 AM
Gaining her bearing, she was starting to mark this territory as her own. Collision hadn't been around to do so for a while, and she doubted that Cairo had in the brief time that he was alpha. That was how she had spent the morning, and now it was well into the day - she had checked the borders and deemed things acceptable. For now, she would rest. Resting had become difficult as of late, she was plagued with feeling like she had to be doing something. The last thing that she needed to do was get lazy with her status. Her ears twitched atop her head, and she stood from where she had taken a moment to sit down, a peculiar scent wafting past her nose. It was Tortugan, and female, but familiar to her - she would not burst onto the scene with any sort of anger, but approach with caution.

It was while she was approaching that she heard the female's call - and grinned. Her adopted sister - funny she should show up here. Demonio had made an appearance only a day or two earlier - this must mean that the treaty between Valhalla and Tortuga was doing quite well. That or the two of them trusted her to accept them peacefully more than they were worried that the rest of the pack would greet them with malice. Chrysanthe didn't have to return Tikaani's howl, because she was rather close to the brown pelted female.

She approached her from behind, her figure appearing suddenly from the trees that littered the area. "Tikaani! What brings you to Valhalla?" She had told her, promised her, that she was always welcome wherever she resided. They were family, and whether she was allied or enemies with Tortuga it didn't underline her relationship with her - end of story. Still though, what if someone else had found her? It could have threatened the fragile peace that the two packs had between each other. "It's always good to see you - but try to be careful, our packs would love an excuse to be enemies again." She motioned toward the borders behind her and then left it at that.

"Notice any changes?" She asked with a half grin spread over her lips. Maybe she would scent it, or see it in her somewhat older adopted sister - that she was an alpha now - that this pack was hers. She would be a liar to say that she wasn't proud.