
That Girl



06-05-2013, 09:00 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 09:01 AM by Chrysanthe.)
Winter was here, and it had been a long time coming. She had dreaded it in the weeks prior, but now she felt strangely positive about it. She was an adult, a leader, she had her whole life before her and she could live it how she pleased. There was so much that she wanted to do and say and be - it excited her and made her somewhat nervous all the same. In her thoughts her paws had begun to wander, and before she knew it she had left her pack lands somewhat behind her. Should something happen, she was close enough to hear the call, but the background noise of the moore was barely white noise. A gentle hum and a thin layer of fog, these were lands she had yet to explore.

She had to focus on navigation once she realized where she had ended up, and her paws carried her as carefully as possible over the many obstacles that the marshy lands provided. So immersed in her wandering, she didn't notice the male that was taking the same path as she - and brushed against his side before bristling slightly and pulling back to look him in the eye. The fog had thickened considerably since she had initially wandered in, and his presence as a whole managed to take her by surprise. "Sorry sir, I didn't see you there!" She apologized, having to stand a bit closer than she would your average stranger to see him properly. "Honestly it's hard to see much of anything around here." And she had been having a bit too much fun with it. That unquenchable adventurous part of her that had survived through puphood.

"Would you care for some company?" She asked, noting that he smelled slightly of Seracia. He should be a benevolent man then, at least somewhat - for Valhalla's sister pack to house him.