
Strike Me Down, But Don't Strike My Heart


02-18-2015, 07:08 PM

The male would tense, as first the brute spoke. His words to his daughter had Kar on edge, a growl threatening to rise from his chest. They wouldn't hurt her. Siri give him strength, he would fight before he let them hurt her! The question came from both; how much is offered? Specifics. Though his offer at having his wife heal him was shot down. He would resist the urge to snort, to evoke further wrath of these two vikings. If a fight could be avoided that was best. To not spill the blood of any, innocent or otherwise. Kar would breath in with frustration, his lime green eyes fixed on the dark woman.

"Tch. You speak as if I know the specifics to give. This type of trade is foreign to me." The male would utter. He was fighting a losing battle, wasn't he? If he didn't offer enough his daughter would be at their mercy... dammit! "Three large kills, a season of smaller game, and one favor. It can be called upon as errand, fighting, what have you, as long as the reason for the fight is with reason. I will not shed the blood of another simply because you choose you do not like them." He was tense, ready to move again if they dared to decide that wasn't enough. He knew Nalyda and Naoise could help him with the large game, possibly more, though it would leave his family a bit worn. Still... they would be together. They had to be.


Table by:: Eldarwen