
Whispers in the Wind (joining)

Sand Striker

06-05-2013, 09:12 AM
Striker had walked a long way, from the desert to this place crossing the lands in between all for a rumour a whisper in the wind, he had noticed as he walked the chill coming across the air colder then he was used to, now a thin dusting of snow fell around him misting his sandy coat in white, he paused for a moment shaking loose the snow from his back. His fur was neat and clean a little damp from melted ice but presentable none the less and he was well rested, he did not know what sort of greeting awaited him, and so he was ready for anything. He had been born in a warrior pack had learnt how to fight and how to survive when every person looked at you as a toy, beneath them and unworthy of any recognition unless it was administrated by tooth and claw. Leaving had been the best thing he had ever done, he had fought had killed to survive and he would do so again, it was a dog eat dog world out there, a small smile crossed his lips as he thought about it, sometimes in more ways then one.

The snow drifted down ceaselessly and he let out a soft huff of irritation, he did not like snow he decided,, sure when he had first seen it he had been excited a new substance to learn about, having spent most of his life till now in the desert there hadn't been much chance to experience snow. But now it was just cold and wet it stuck to his coat and chilled his paws, unpleasant, but if this pack was as he had heard then he would learn to deal, even if the snow came everyday for the rest of his life. He would not admit it but what he really wanted was a place to belong a place where his silence would not be considered a strangeness or a sign of ill omen, if he could find an alpha who would judge him on his actions, both success and failure and not on the words he spoke, or didn't speak as the case may be, then he would willingly offer them his skills both as a hunter of prey and other wolves alike.

A scent filled his nostrils strong and full he lifted his head testing the scent, yes this was it a pack border, he hesitated for a moment then turned taking a few steps back before he sat still and silent waiting,he did not call to announce his presence after all what was the point? It was such unnecessary noise. A patrol would come, and find him waiting, and if it didn't? well if it didn't he might just have to find his own way to the packs den and have a word with the alpha about their lax security. After all a pack of shadows, as he had heard them called should guard their borders most carefully, you never knew when some young upstart might come and try to drive the shadows away.