



2 Years
02-18-2015, 10:44 PM
He wasn't the best at emotions, he hadn't been raised around a plethora of them. The most he'd learned was that whatever you felt needed to be used to drive you toward some type of action. Anger led to revenge, sadness led to revenge, most everything led to revenge, actually. It had been his first inclination when Valentine had uttered the news - but it had been impossible. Two lost lives could not be avenged, not against a bear who was probably long gone by now. Roman and Drashiel wouldn't have wanted to be avenged anyway, not in the way that he would want to avenge them. He had learned, perhaps even in his wanderings, that anger could be expressed - and it made you feel better. Sadness, however, was not something he was used to getting out in the open, and even now he felt numb all over save for the parts of him that were touching her. He could feel her shaking, and as he lay pressed against her he knew that at any moment she might fall apart like a rosebud in a harsh wind. He would let her, if she wanted, even if it meant he was the only one who could put her back together. He could sense the anger in his tone, but he ignored it. He had been angry too. Rather instinctively he craned his chin closer to the nape of her neck, nibbling idly at the thicker fur and skin there. It was something his mother used to do when he was a boy, and whether or not it helped it was certainly worth a shot. He continued to nibble idly at her fur, almost unconsciously. He had to give her hope, had to give her something to hold onto. “The children,” he breathed between chewing on her fur. “..they are in Imperium,” he voiced. It was them that drew him there, them and the hole his half-brother and half-sister had left. The hole he wanted to fill.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.