



3 Years
02-18-2015, 10:55 PM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2015, 10:56 PM by Lysis.)
Emotion had never really been her forté either, and yet this news... the news of the death of Drashiel felt like it might break her. Her feelings were often flighty and spontaneous, her moods fluctuating as quickly as the weather often did, anger quickly giving way to amusement, but that was how she had always been. Perhaps her early brush with death, with the sickness that had nearly taken her, had permanently marred her -- left her with a rather whimsical attitude toward life. And yet now all she could feel was sadness, pouring over her like the skies had opened up and begun to rain without mercy, with the faintest hint of anger welling up from deep inside. There was nothing she could do to change anything. Why hadn't they ran? What could've prompted either of them to try to fight off a fucking bear?  "Fuck," she murmured again, instinctively leaning in to his touch. She hadn't expected much more than a passionate reunion and perhaps an update on what Kyarst had been up to.. certainly not anything like this.

This time she didn't flinch at his touch. It was comforting, even if she wouldn't be the first to admit it out loud. Slowly her eyes would close, breathing deeply in and out of her mouth, her chest heaving slightly with the sobs that threatened to fall, that she tried to stifle. It was their children that lived in Imperium, and she knew now why he hadn't wanted to tell her right away which family he meant. "I want to know them," she said quietly, feeling tears well in her eyes, though she kept them firmly shut. Crying was not something she was used to, and certainly not in the presence of Kyarst.  "I want to be there for them." Without parents, they needed someone to look up to... and though she and Kyarst might not be the best role models, she knew damn well someone had to be, and an Armada would fit the role best. Her own mother had never really been there for her, and she didn't want these children to face the same scenario. Her body would continue to quiver, though the initial panic had begun to fade at his rhythmic grooming of her neck and she felt herself relaxing a bit more at his touch.