
Mayhem Meets Bedlam


02-19-2015, 09:39 PM

Sabre was... disgusted.

Unlike his sister, who he'd trailed by some distance, he wasn't excited by the prospect of a fight. A bunch of whiny pups swatting at each other? No thank you. All it was, was a reminder of how much better his family was. Still it was his first time meeting anyone other than his mother, sisters, or Hati, and so as he stalked up behind Falx he couldn't help but study them out of the corner of his eye. Not one of them had coloring similar to any of the wolves he'd known. All of them from Mother to Hati to the pups were black with white and auburn markings (though no markings at all in Hati's case, unless you counted the skull he wore all the time) but these wolves ran the gamut from dirt-brown to storm-cloud gray to... really stormy-cloud blue-gray. One of the blue-gray ones even had a weird purplish tint to his fur if Sabre looked just right. Ergh. Bunch of inbred mutant freaks. Not that the pup actually knew what inbred meant (or that he was technically right in the case of a couple of them) but clearly there was something wrong with them all.

He snorted. "You're all a bunch of dummies," he declared with all the haughtiness a month-old pup could muster, his lip curling to make his disgust clear. "Bet they don't even know how to fight. Weak." He sniffed pointedly. Paraphrasing things his mother and Hati said, he wasn't entirely sure what he was saying but he knew it wasn't nice and he was content with that.
