
I Want To Breathe Again



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-20-2015, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2015, 09:23 AM by Epiphron.)
These lands kept her here, rooting her in some vague nostalgia that she didn't know why she even craved so badly. The mere thought of Jupiter brought her back to far easier days; to her rule of Seracia, to her ex-husband and to her sister, when Valhalla had stood strong and when she knew her family was safe and well. Time had changed so many things and she found herself drifting away briefly as she watched the springs, following Birna's gaze as she watched the steam rise from the hot pool of water into the cooler air. Only Birna's question would pull her from the abyss of her own mind as she tilted her head as she gazed at her companion's reflection in the water. "It was taken from me," she explained with the faintest bit of weariness in her voice. "Actually -- I sort of just stopped being a Queen. I was distracted and busy taking care of two litters of children." She hadn't planned to have either litter, and she hadn't been terribly excited to be a mother, and yet she had slid effortlessly into the role and it had consumed her. Family came before everything, and it had distracted both herself and Maverick entirely from their duties as Queen and King. A quiet sigh slid unconsciously from her lips as she grew momentarily silent. "Perhaps I was not the greatest Queen, but I bore my title with pride. I was simply more proud to be a mother, I guess." Her slightly tired expression tilted upward in a small smile at the mention of her children. They were her blood; her heart and soul, and she had nothing in this world without them, though she knew her words sounded cliche at best.

Birna went on to speak of her own history, and her ears would flick as she turned to face her again, regarding her with genuine curiosity. She had a brother here as well, and they considered themselves warriors. Interesting. Were they to be warriors here too, in Jupiter's pack? "Chaos seems to be what fuels us," she noted, turning to let her head drop to her forepaws, enjoying the warmth of the steam as it tickled her whiskers. "Without it, things would be awfully dull." A slight smile turned the corners of her lips upward. Chaos seemed to follow her, springing up to and fro when she least expected it -- she couldn't help but wonder what might happen to liven this Ludicael up, if anything.