
into the woods



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-20-2015, 09:39 AM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2015, 09:39 AM by Epiphron.)
There was nothing Cassius could do to be deprived of the title of her son, expect for harming or betraying his own family; she had always loved her brother, despite his misdoings and no son of hers would be cast aside simply for not being who she had wanted him to be. His movements seemed slow and hesitant even as she invited him to join, though he rose without being asked and there seemed to be some kind of relief in his solemn expression. 'Let's go home,' he said, and a wide smile would overtake her expression. Gently she leaned to kiss him again, lapping at the fur on the side of his face. He looked like he needed a good meal -- or twelve -- but he looked considerably better now that she had taken care to groom him properly. She knew Amalia would be eager to tend to him, for her daughter was quite the motherly type, and Cassius would not be short of care even if he felt he didn't deserve it. Perhaps when he was doing better physically she could reconnect with him, and figure out where he had been for so much of his life thus far. Still she felt a pang of guilty at not keeping him close to her, for he'd always been such a timid, sensitive boy, certainly not fit for the life of a rogue...

"I think you'll like your new home," she'd tell him softly as they began to walk together. The trees of the mangrove would provide him with comfort and shelter and she knew he would appreciate the safety of the massive trees. "Before we get there though, I should tell you that Amalia... she lost her tail, long ago, in accident." she wasn't sure how Cassius would react to seeing his littermate again, and Epiphron figured giving him a warning about the small difference in her appearance might be good for him. "She is fine, but her tail's just a bit smaller now." With that she would nudge him gently again as they went, heading toward the lands of her new home.

- exit Epiphron -