



3 Years
02-20-2015, 11:33 AM
There was a frenzied sort of rage that boiled below the surface, even as Kyarst began to groom her and try to soothe the pain that had come suddenly and with little warning. She, too, felt someone ought to be held responsible for what had happened to her siblings, though she knew it was nobody's fault. Still, there was a sudden need to punish someone, to yell and to scream and to let all the rage inside out... though it would not be taken out on Kyarst. Not now. His touch was comforting, and reminded her of when they'd been children and things had been far simpler. Though she had always considered Drashiel her closest sibling, it had been the male that embraced her now that she had truly been closest to, that had known her the best. Even now, at this horrible news, she couldn't imagine anyone in the world she would rather be with.

Her breathing grew steadily more even. The tears that she had tried to contain spilled down her cheeks, from her closed eyes. Everything had changed, and now she knew with finality that nothing could ever be the same. Not without her brother, and not without Roman. Lysis had never expected that this would come of this meeting and certainly didn't guess that her angry brother would end up comforting her so intimately. His touch felt like home and for a long moment she lay with him, content to feel him grooming her and trying to calm her. The attention was something she always craved, especially from him, though this felt infinitely more rewarding than pissing him off. A quite murmur left her lips as she leaned into him, basking in his warmth and his familiar scent for a moment longer.  "Are we far from Imperium?" her soft inquiry came after a long moment of silence, wondering how soon she might meet these nieces and nephews of hers, and wondering what other wolves might await her there.