



2 Years
02-20-2015, 11:59 AM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2015, 12:00 PM by Kyarst.)
He would groom her for a while longer, honestly unsure if it was helping at all. It was, however, the only thing he knew to do for an upset wolf, and so he would continue even if his efforts were in vain. His mind wandered to Drashiel and Roman, remembering the last time he had encountered them. It had seemed so odd to see them together, and yet not because they were kin (for that type of coupling was normal for the Armada line) but because they hadn't let on at all about their whirlwind romance. Granted, he had been gone for some time, but even Lysis had been shocked - she more so than he, it had seemed. He had never pictured the two of them together, and yet there they had stood, naive and perfectly in love. So naive, in fact, that the two of them would face a bear together instead of doing the sensible thing and running. Perhaps it was the pride of the Armadas that had truly led to their untimely death and the orphanage of their children. He liked to think that pride or no pride, he would not endanger himself so soon after spawning. Still, he couldn't bring himself to truly hold it against them, and so he would mourn them alongside his half sister as he tried his best to console her. Her voice would bring him back to reality, and he would ponder her question for but a moment as he ceased grooming her to speak. “We are not far,” he spoke. “I met the King at this very riverside only a week ago, I didn't join him then because I wanted to make one last attempt at finding your sorry hide,” he jested in hopes of lightening the moment. “I am almost certain he would take the both of us, if the heat doesn't kill us first.” Though a lighter comment, he wasn't entirely joking about dying of the damn heat in the south. It was highly probable.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.