
days fell away with nothing to show (EBONY)


02-20-2015, 01:36 PM

Earlier that day, Finch had requested a song from her while they lay peacefully within their den. Considering everyone else was out playing or sleeping, it was very quiet and relaxed, which came as rare in most cases. So it was just her and her quiet daughter, side by side while she hummed a lullaby. Even though Finch was asleep by now. Wren curled herself around the young girl, nuzzling into her ears very gently, when the head of her husband suddenly popped through the entrance. Wren turned her calm gaze toward him, ears pining forward instantly. "Come, my love. We are needed at Ebony." As far as she knew, Ebony was a semi-close ally to Abaven. Although, she had yet to meet their leader, Kassander. What'd they need them for?

Despite her curiosity, she nodded and stood over Finch, kissing her forehead and climbing out of the den. Her jaws split into a yawn, and before she could wonder where Bass had ran off to, he returned with a loving nuzzle. Wren smiled and quickly called for Harmony's assistance before taking off toward Ebony at Bass' side. It didn't take long to get there, but there were many unfamiliar faces here already. Probably members of Ebony...and others. She stepped closer to her husband and sat when he did, minty gaze falling onto a large male. Apparently, the one who called them to this meeting. Kassander. When Bass introduced her and the others from Abaven, she sent him a kind smile, dipping her head and simply leaving it at that. After all, he was pretty popular it seemed, speaking to him would be pointless.