
The Dens



5 Years
02-20-2015, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2016, 03:40 PM by Caeli.)



Single Sisters Stick Together- Gale - 11/23/15
Beautiful Bones- Gale, Ritsy - 11/26/15
I Will do Anything for You, Even if I Lose the Stars- Voltage - 11/29/15
All at once the crowd began to sing- Solaris - 11/29/15
I Am Forever Yours, Even If You Hate Me- Voltage - 12/23/15
Constellations- Selíni, Zori - 12/31/15
You Are Loved- Anais, Glacier, Voltage, Terrae, Solaris - 1/1/16
Fading Stars- Voltage - 1/6/16
Our Greatest Fear Realized- Donostrea - 1/6/16
Why are there stars?- Seraphiel - 1/8/16

In order of when they happened

1 Welcome Home Elementas Family 2/15/15 - 2/21/15 The Elder brothers of the Elementas show the newest additions of the family to their temporary home on Mount Volkan.
2 Time Changes All Seerten 2/15/15 - 2/24/15 Astrea stumbles on a very charming male, Seerten, on the  Moontouched Cliffs, they make a rather quick and adorable connection over stars. A bond forms between the two and who is to say where this bond leads. Time will only tell.
3 Stars in the Sky Voltage 2/15/15 - 3/28/15 Voltage meets Astrea on her normal perch, where Volt confesses his worries and Astrea wonders about the stars.
4 Just Haven' Fun, Don't Care Who Sees Mithrasy 2/21/15 - 2/22/15 Astrea stumbles into a strange fellow, he had stars on his pelt and spoke brokenly, nothing much came from this meeting other than the knowledge that maybe there are more Star wolves then Astrea first thought.
5 Time to Begin Elementas Family 2/22/15 - 2/22/15 Voltage and Glacier has moved the family from the old volcano home to a the new at the Obsidian Beach, not liking the change Astrea left before she could look around, instead heading the other way to Seerten's cliffs.
6 The Sky's Call Selini, Solaris, Seerten 2/22/15 - 3/1/15 After leaving the meeting Astrea called to her friend but little did she know Sol and Selini fallowed her; with the twins and Ten's help she came to terms with the move.
7 To the stars! Selini, Solaris, Voltage, Glacier 2/25/15 - 2/25/15 When Astrea returned fallowing her siblings she was shocked to find that Volt and Glacier had a surprise for them. They had found and cleared a small cliff side, it was not as close as the volcano to the stars but it was the thought that counted any way. She has claimed the cliff side as her perch.
8 Looking For Stars and got the Storm Voltage, Seerten 2/25/15 - 3/27/15 Seerten Astrea's friend was caught looking for her in a place he should not have been and came nose to nose with a very protective Voltage. Astrea happening upon this even quickly jumped in and defused the bomb that was about to go off.
9 The Resistance Amachi, Faria 3/15/15 - 3/18/15 Astrea stumbled upon yet another Star wolf and another wolf that looked like it was made of trees. She did not talk to them, instead turning around and going that other way, it was nice to know though that there are more star wolves in the world and that her family was not the only ones with odd markings on their pelt.
10 This is the time Elementas Family 3/15/15 - 4/6/15 Voltage and Glacier has called a meeting, they proudly tells the family that they where now officially a pack. But not only that the brothers has thought up special ranks for all of them! Everyone seems to know where they belong without any trouble, well everyone but Astrea. She did not know what she was good at and frankly did not feel special to get the only rank that seems to apply to her. She left that meeting confused more than ever about her place in the family.
11 The Stars Place in the Universe Voltage 3/27/15 - 4/21/15 After the meeting where Voltage announced that they where indeed a pack, but that left Astrea with a odd feeling of being unworthy of her family. That is where Volt comes in finding a mopping Astrea and proceeded to convince her to take up her place as a Relicus, or guide as she likes to call herself.
12 I'll Have Her Home By 2am Seerten, Voltage 4/18/15 - 4/19/15 Seerten had made his way south, with a gift in jaw. He proceeded to gift her with a opal that looked like a fallen star. Astrea speechless accepted the gift and have not taken it off since. But in a spur of a moment Ten confessed his need to be close to her and asked to join Donostrea, and that was when Jolt joined the two accepting the large spotted male into the fold. But that was not all that happened that night, emotions running high Seerten confessed his intentions and affections for Astrea and the two are now courting; even though Astrea already thought of the large male as her mate.
13 Poco alato stelle Starling 4/18/15 - 4/24/15 Astrea came upon a cute little fella, she helped the pup find the right way home, but overall gained nothing from the encounter.
14 Buck Up, Buttercup. Elementas Family 4/18/15 - 4/23/15 Serefina has called the family to arms! Astrea was not keen on the fighting arts but Voltage knowing so dragged the star child to the training. Thankfully it was not a long training session.
15 Campfire stories Elementas Family 4/24/15 - 4/26/15 Glacier has recovered and has called the family together, but only she, voltage, and Locha has meet with him to fill him in with the goings ons.
16 Among the Stars Glacier 4/24/15 - 5/2/15 Glacier has come and called on Astrea. Astrea reminds him that he mattered to the family and that he needed to take better care of himself. She also seemed to get more insight about the family, the nature of the beast some could say. She also made planes to visit the north with him, so that he could see his name sake, a recharge of sorts.
17 Get The Party Started Elementas Family and Friends 5/4/15 - 6/1/15 Voltage and Locha surprise the family with a little party! The family meets the new neighbors ending in only good times!
18 Birds of a Feather Glacier, Zori 5/10/15 - 5/26/15 Astrea takes Voltage on an adventure to the north to see the snow to only come upon a small bird named Zori who, shocker, loves stars. Zori and Astra hits it off and soon becomes inseparable.
19 Meet the Star of the Show Gaia 5/14/15 - 6/29/15 At the first Dono party Astrea sought out Voltages lady and have a little talk with the woman. Astrea hopes that the talk helps Gaia comfortable with the family and her attraction to Volt.
20 Paws and Talens Seerten, Zori 5/18/15 - 5/29/15 Astrea takes Zori home to meet Seerten to only get distracted by her attraction and love for the large white knight.
21 I Aint Gonna Have Your First Drink be No Damn Peach Schnapps Elementas Family 5/25/15 - 6/12/15 Voltage has taken it into himself to travel to the birth place of them all to see if there is another litter born to the family and the siblings make a point to throw a going away party!
22 The Birds and Bees Voltage, Zori 5/29/15 - 7/6/15 Astrea meets Voltage on the morning before he departs. She empress her want to go with him to get answers out from their parents, but Volt talks Astrea into staying with the family even though she does not want to.
23 This Trail That We Blaze! Elementas Family 6/12/15 - 7/5/15 Astrea with the rest of her siblings say goodbye to Voltage and Gaia on the journey to their birth island.
24 Counting Flowers Lior 7/4/15 - 7/26/15 Astrea meet Lior, Anais sister. The two have a nice little chat, where Astrea gives a little wisdom and maybe made a new friend.
25 We stand alone, united Elementas Family 7/06/15 - 7/18/15 Voltage has returned! Its a joyous occasion... Right? No he brings tragic news, news that rips Astrea's life to threads. Their parents have been murdered, leaving the siblings without answers to their heart broken past. Astrea taking the new really hard races away into an on coming storm.
26 The Raging Storm Arcus 7/6/15 - 7/7/15 Seeing Astrea run from the meeting Arcus fallowed her into the storm, he comforted her with lies and talked her down form her emotinal cliff. It was then that Astrea decided to leave on an adventure, and Arcus agreed to fallow her.
27 Another year worth celebrating Elementas Family 7/23/15 - 8/12/15 This was the last day Astrea spent with her family and appropriatly it was a celebration of their birth. Astrea stayed and said goodbye to them, not that any of them realized it...
28 Stars and Storms Arcus, Zori 9/28/15 - 09/29/15 Astrea and Arcus went on their adventure and with that time alone soon gets to know one another. Astrea finds that she admires Arcus's personality.
29 I'm Going On An Adventure! Dart, Zori 9/28/15 - 10/12/15 Astrea met a nice guy. A fox that seemed to be in a wolf pack, she was curious about this guy and soon learned that he was looking for a Shark. Knowing nothing about the ocean She pointed the guy back home to Locha. Not knowing weather or not he went to the beach to find his shark she moved on knowing she met a nice guy.
30 Escape! Shiro 10/1/15 - 10/23/15 Astrea ran into a cute little guy. He was lost even though he refused to tell her that he was so and knowing that he needed help she escorted him back to his family without the tyke even knowing that was what she was doing.
31 Stars of the Past Faite 10/2/15 - 10/26/15 Visiting the Volcano of her second home Astrea reflected on her past and what was important in her life, she had a present time and met another who was not so keen on the stars like she was.
32 Shooting Star Glacier, Zori, Illume 10/15/15 - 10/16/15 Astrea had returned. She had learned many things on her adventure, first and foremost her confidence. She had settled in her skin and new what she needed to give her family, thus her grand entrance back into the pack... But she was shocked with a little something... Or rather someone. Voltage's progeny who seemed to be so restless and down... Astrea hopes to cure her little niece's soul and give her what she needs.
33 Lights in the Sky Illume 10/24/15 - 11/20/15 Astrea keeping her promises allowed Illume to accompany her up to the cliffs, there Astrea learned that her nieces soul was not getting what it required to be happy, so Astrea made the pup another promise, one she interned to keep. Astrea would always be their for the pup even if she had to make rifts in her own life to make sure the child got what she needed to be happy.
34 Hopes and Dreams are Like Stars in the Sky Voltage 10/15/15 - 10/24/15 Taking time to herself Astrea was in her normal place doing the normal thing when Volt met her up on the cliffs. This is where she explained her rite of passage and also beseeches her brother to allow his daughter to have the things she needed  to lead a happy productive life.
35 Twinkle Twinkle Ganta, Obscuro, Shiro, Zori 10/25/15 - 11/28/15 Astrea knowing that her family had taken in pups of a neighboring pack she made her way to the other end of the territory where she met those pups. That is when she learned why those pups where there, after her chat with the young she raced to the war zone to see if she could help those that where in need.
36 Step One: Get Out Alive Enigma, Creed, Tórnach, Xephyris, Surreal, Arietta, Glacier 10/25/15 - 11/12/15 Astrea had made her way to the war zone and came upon a group of wolves squared off, looking like a second battle was about to begin. She steped in knowing she was not able to stand back and let that happen she seemed to only add to the fire. Thankful Glacier was able to defuse it better than she was.
37 The Story of Our Life 11/7/15 - 11/7/15 Astrea wanted to bring the family together, little did she know she had called on a very dark day, she learned later the reason no one had come to hear her story was that one of the youngest in her family had been washed away. Astrea had wanted to go to Voltage but knowing he needed time to grieve she left him alone.
38 I don't understand it Solaris, Current 11/11/15 - 11/11/15 Astrea met with her brother and her second niece. She was hopeing that her brother would seek her out later with his problems later.
39 Story Time Shiro 11/20/15 - 11/28/15 Astrea still desiring to tell someone a story had looked to the Hellstorm pups instead, Shiro was the only one who came and she told him a privet story.

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1. The Dens Postlogs 06:30 PM, 02-20-2015 11:58 AM, 01-10-2024