



3 Years
02-20-2015, 07:02 PM
Lysis would not deny that her brother's presence was comforting to her. Whether he was pissed off at her, or holding her close like he was now -- it didn't matter as much as it might to another creature. The high of emotion was comforting to her, as strange as it sounded, and she certainly would prefer to feel something with him than nothing at all. The moment lingered, though not as long as she would've liked, before she felt the tears dry on her cheeks. It had taken her awhile to regain her composure, though she still felt shaky as they broke the tight embrace they'd shared. "Good," she commented, a bit of the fire returning to her voice. 'It's too fucking hot to have to go too far." She could only hope this pack boasted a giant, cool lake... or maybe a river that ran from the mountains in the north, though she highly doubted this was the case.

A snort would sound at his comment as she pulled away slightly. Though Lysis appreciated his closeness, it wasn't something she was entirely used to and there was worry that she might grow to like it too much. A part of her was afraid he, too, might disappear -- might try to do something stupid like fight a bear and get himself killed, and only leave her hurting even worse than she was now. A sigh left her lips as she nudged him away from her, shaking her head slightly to fluff the fur that he had smoothed down. "We better get going then," she commented, slowly pulling herself to all her four slightly shaky paws. "I think I could go for a nap when we get there." She felt exhausted suddenly, not only from the heat and the journey south, and she knew a long day of rest might help her collect her emotions and calm her frenzied mind.