


02-20-2015, 08:56 PM
Philotes was resting at the edge of the estuary, actually bird watching. She was never far from either brother or sister, her nature wanting her close to one or the other. Losing their mother had a bigger effect on her than Mnemosyne it seemed. The dark girl would give a soft sigh, ears flicking every so often as she listened for her sister. It seemed like Mneme was getting into some sort of trouble, judging by the not so pleasant avian sounds she had begun hearing. Philotes would rise, a low whine in her throat as she flicked her ears back and forth. Seconds later came her sister's call. What on earth was she planning?

Philly would heed her sister's call, though almost immediately upon laying her eyes upon Mneme the girl was practically flailing. "YOUR FURRRRRR!" The girl would whine. "You were a hidin' in the reeds again, weren't you!? Your fur is so ickyyyy!!" Whereas Philotes was careful to be clean and pristine at all times Mnemosyne cared pretty much little when it came to such things. Philly's fur puffed up, much like a displeased cat. "What on earth could be so important Mneme?" Though she was complaining, as she often did the more dirty her sister appeared, Philotes cared greatly for her sibling. Silver eyes would look towards warm pink ones, curious as to what her sister was up to that got her in this state.