
Puppies Looking For Good Home

Rune I


5 Years
02-20-2015, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2015, 06:14 PM by Rune I.)
Okay, not really puppies looking for a good home per se, but they do need people to play them. xD

Rune and Alamea Kaname of Secretua are in the process of having their second litter, which is due March 4th, and as I know it neither Lolaf or I will be taking one for ourselves. This means that we have two free pups from the litter that need someone to adopt them, which is where any and all of you lovely potential adoptees come in.

Personally I would like for anyone who is interested to peek through both parents' profiles and potentially Rune and Alamea's first litter (Eirik, Keiki, and Warja) for reference when creating these potential characters, the information of which can all be found [here] on the Secretua pack page. This is also the pack where these kids will be raised in, so it could be used to influence their characters as well. The spectrum is a little varied, considering Alamea is a small lawful good and Rune is a large lawful evil, but I think that gives plenty of room to play with as far as freedom of creation goes.

At the moment, I don't believe we have any premade designs to offer you, but that may change. For the time being, if you could supply your own or write up a well-detailed description to help with visualization that seems to take from one or both sides of the family then that should work perfectly. Please use the template provided below, which will need to be completely filled out in order to be considered, and feel free to include anything else that you believe we should know when considering your application (i.e. how you believe they will react to their family members and/or the pack that they will be born into, any ideas that you might already have in mind regarding future plots or situations that may arise, etc.).

To allow adequate time for setting up accounts and breathing room before the big birth day, I would like to have this closed by Feb. 25th, though if needed it can be prolonged until Feb. 27th.

Thank you and good luck to you all!

NOTE: We reserve the right to take back any pups that should become inactive. However, a warning will be given first so the player is aware and can have a chance at keeping their character before it will go up for readoption. Specific activity requirements will only be discussed if inactivity becomes an issue.

EDIT: Because it has been requested, we are extending the deadline for this adoption to tomorrow, Feb. 26th!

[b]Appearance:[/b] Minimum 100 words
[b]Personality:[/b] Minimum 150 words
[b]Other:[/b] Anything else we should know