
Aislinn vs Chione



8 Years
Chrono I
02-24-2015, 11:05 AM

As her opponent went backwards, Chione would loosen her grip on the woman's throat enough so that she could be free but it was possible there could be minor tear marks from pulling away. Aislinn rose to her back legs as well, Chione's attempt to place her paws on her chest failing. Aislinn would wrap her legs around Chione's neck and try to hold her grip there with another bite to Chione's scruff.

The girl turned her head opposite of her opponents bite, (Aislinn does have a bite on Chione's scruff, also going to say Chione is turning her head to the right; unsure where Aislinn is aiming her bite) aiming to bite the top of the woman's left leg, right below where the skin would be scrunched between her leg and her shoulder/chest (Her teeth would be placed on each side of her leg, top teeth on the outside (Aislinn's left) and bottom teeth on the inside (Aislinn's right)). Whether she made a successful bite or not, she would try to do just as she did in her fight with Aerndis; drop all her weight opposite of her attempted bite (dropping to her left, Aislinn's right) with a little push from her back legs to try and get through the woman's legs on her neck and also hoping to get a little damage on Aislinn's left leg from her weight. (She will be driving all of her weight into her left shoulder after trying to raise a little with her back legs.)

Throughout the fight, her defenses stayed intact. Lips were snarled, ears were pinned back, and eyes were narrowed and into thin slits. Her neck was scrunched and her muscles were tense due to the adrenaline flowing through her. Back legs were bent and spread evenly with great balance and toes were splayed on the ground while her front legs were bent and tucked close to her chest. Her tail remained out from under her and curved up from the ground.

Whether Chione was victorious or not, (only valid if she is successful with escaping Aislinn's leg grip) she would roll onto her left shoulder and across her back until she was able to stand up, and she wouldn't waste anytime getting on her feet. She would shake her body from dirt and debris and give her opponent a hard gaze, seeing if she were to say anything. She was pretty silent after all; well besides her snarls and growls.

(OOC: I'm sorry this was so overdue, this was the only free time i had! Also good fight! I had fun ;3 Aislinn can post next!)


Chione vs Aislinn for Spar
Round: I | II

Attacks: Bite to Aislinn's left top foreleg area; dropping all her weight to her left

Defenses: 3rd Paragraph

Injuries: (1st round) + minor puncture wounds to scruff