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5 Years
02-20-2015, 11:16 PM
Walk | Talk  | Think  

She was late, uncharacteristically so, but for the odd feelings that had stolen over her it seemed fitting for her to be out of sorts on all fronts. When Glacier and Voltage had left, she had known what they were doing and where they would go, and ultimately what and who they would return with, and she was not sure how she felt about it. Family was the core of her being, those around whom she anchored herself within the chaotic changes in her life, but having it widen to accommodate more than those she had started her journey with made her even more ill at ease. What if they disapproved of the life they now lived compared to life on the island? What if they failed to mesh with the siblings already established here? Her thoughts had taken a surprisingly negative turn, and with doubts and reservations Gale finally came forward to meet them.

What she found was a mixture of all those who made up her now larger family. Her pale, grey-green eyes immediately picked out her littermates, Locha, Serefina, and Terrae, as well as her older brothers, Glacier and Voltage, before she took note of the newest additions as her lavender paws slowed and stopped her beside them all.

And smiled. They had grown considerably from what she remembered a year go, and yet she still knew them instantly. Selini. Arcus. Solaris. Astrea. All the worries that she had been holding about this new bunch, about them finding their places in their family after their time apart, left the second she saw them. It was all replaced with the same feelings of closeness, of family and friendship and love, that she had thought gone because they were apart. Her tail wagged as she looked them over, unable to choose one even to begin greeting them all properly by individual. "Jeez, long time, no see," she said with a casual laugh, though she felt anything but casual and calm. She felt like she could have pulled everyone into a group hug single-handedly and been perfectly content to be squashed by the lot of them.

But there were more important things to attend to, as Voltage - surprisingly - brought it up. Her ears turned and then the rest of her followed to listen as he mentioned to Glacier the topic of outgrowing the mountain and needing new accommodations. He was right. The alcove they had been using so far barely fit the six of them as it was; add on four more and there was no way it was going to work now. Curious now herself, Gale lifted a brow and directed her pale gaze toward Glacier in anticipation of whatever plans he might allude to.