
What is dead may never truly die



7 Years
02-21-2015, 12:03 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

She stared anxiously, almost as if unseeing, away from Bane, her thoughts at a different place, a fuzzy image that should have been crystal clear. It frightened her that she had no true recollection of the child he asked about, had not even a name to offer but only that it was a single son born into their last and final litter. There was no reason for it to be this way, no way that Tahlia could rationalize it in that moment, and desperate to remember something, anything, she tried to think back further. How had it been before, during her pregnancy? That, too, was fuzzy, distorted, though less so, and just a little she began to remember. Bane was gone, and her life with him. Her den had been made empty, and so had her heart. And the child…

The touch of his nose to hers brought her back with a quick blink of her eyes, finally looking back at him as if seeing him for the first time. He was so clear, so solid above her, and yet her thoughts of the waking world were so thin, so broken. It should not have been this way. Somehow she needed to fix it…but not from here.

Her heart was beginning to race again, though now from distress. This was a special moment, a rare treat that she should have been savoring, but all she could think about then was her children, the hazy place she had left them, and a desperate need to make those images clear. "I need to go back." The words were spoken shakenly but decisively, the revelation of what she needed to do coming over her and convincing her in that moment that if she could just wake up she might make things right again. As if she could get there where they were by foot, she squirmed beneath her husband, trying to roll and press him away so that she could get her paws beneath her. Still she spoke, her voice growing more desperate by the second. "I need to get back to them. Bane, I need to go."