
Two Feet Standing on a Principle



4 Years
02-21-2015, 12:12 PM

Rawr! Set your defenses! Attack like you mean it! Squawk, squawk, squawk. Integra had had enough of Dægmar and more than enough of fight training. Thankfully, with her own pups to raise Dægmar's attention had finally turned away from the Armada pups and to her own spawn. That gave Integra some of the freedom she'd been craving to take on her own studies in healing which, without a teacher, had been fruitless. Living in a pack of meat heads made it difficult to find instruction and she was tired of waiting. Time for her to do something for herself for a change. Integra was going to find a tutor.

The young woman strode right out of the packlands and into the wilds, trusting fate and the spirits of her parents to guide her. She was certain they were watching her right now, applauding her pursuing her desires against all odds. For a long while she'd clung to her siblings but in some ways it felt good to be on her own. She felt so much pressure. By virtue of being born first it was like she was expected to look after and raise her siblings but that wasn't fair at all! Besides… she'd already failed at that. She couldn't even lead them into the den when the bear attacked. Some surrogate mother!

Integra wandered in no particular direction until she came across a border of an unknown Eastern pack and a beautiful, if buggy, lake. Hmmm…. there were some interesting plants here. Maybe this pack had a healer? Integra bit her lip as she debated howling. What if it was a mean pack? What if they tried to hurt her? The girl looked around, examining the terra and constructing an escape plan before she tipped back her head and howled.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]