
you just can't hide



7 Years
02-21-2015, 01:47 PM
Their bodies met exactly where she had hoped, Natalya feeling a moderate bruise bloom on her own left shoulder as she made impact with the bitch.  It was a pain she welcomed, for it meant her opponent had fared no better.  Immediately, Cataleya shifted so that they were no longer at an angle, left shoulders poised in front of each others’ chests, and as Natalya’s teeth bit into the flesh of her opponent’s neck she cursed in her mind.  She tore the flesh open as she wrenched her head back, ensuring that it was once again level with her spine and tucking her chin back in toward her throat.  She made sure that her shoulders were still rolled forward as well, providing added protection through the rolls of skin around her neck.  At the same time, she slid her left foot from atop Cataleya’s own, having successfully made contact there as well.  Her weight distributed evenly across all four limbs once again when her left paw touched the ground and she maintained her balance from before -  widened stance, spread toes, bent knees, raised tail - as she felt Cataleya begin to move.

She tightened her abdomen as she prepared for the onslaught, tense with adrenaline and enthusiasm.  Fighting was a thrill she had long forgotten.  She would not stand and wait for every movement to react to this day.  No, she would continue to be an aggressor, pushing for the result she wanted.  She shifted her weight forward and dipped her chin a little farther at the same moment her opponent sought to strike.  She knew this by the feel of Cataleya’s teeth as they latched onto her skull, the top set plunging into the top-to-back curve of her head partially on her still-flattened left ear, while the bottom punctured her left cheek and eye.  She felt the searing pain, especially around her eye, but she attempted to push forward despite it.  After all, damaging the thing would be of no true consequence considering she wouldn’t be blinded by it.

Natalya made an effort to push off with her hind legs and surge forward, knowing it would worsen the damage of Cataleya’s bites and probably cause the actual loss of her left eye once the teeth were removed, but needing to do so to strike as she wished.  She parted her jaws as she tried to twist her neck and head to her own left so that she would be able to sink her teeth into Cataleya’s throat, which she hoped was exposed by the woman’s stretching to bite her face.  From her position, she hoped that her lower set would land directly on the front of her throat while the upper set would land more on Cataleya’s left side of her neck.  By pushing her body forward in her attempt to do this, she would be able to counter her opponent’s push and hopefully keep them in the same relative spot without compromising balance.  Even so, Cataleya’s attempt for their chests to collide was successful, another moderate bruise blossoming on the left side of Natalya’s chest from the impact.

(ooc note;; this section confused me “She would then seek to lift her right foreleg, extending the limb forward with the intent to wrap her left foreleg around her adversaries own left foreleg, just below her elbow. Her goal was to disrupt her balance by pulling her (nat) right foreleg in towards her own (cats) body.” so I decided to go with Cat’s right leg hooking Nat’s left leg since those were the first of each wolf that you mentioned, and the first part said she extended the right leg forward and not diagonal {i.e. left-to-left or right-to-right}, sorry i didn’t catch it before you left for the weekend to ask you!)

Immediately she felt Cataleya’s right forelimb hook around her own left foreleg and she sought to counteract the move by bending her back legs further and pushing off with her front right leg to focus her weight in the rear.  She attempted to bend the knee of her left leg tight around Cataleya’s right leg as well.  It was an effort both to prevent Cataleya from pulling her forward, and to hopefully trap her opponents leg and pull the bitch off-balance instead.

Round 2 of 3  |  for death

ooc;; eve and luns are both fine by raii <3