
I miss you

Motif I


4 Years
02-21-2015, 03:37 PM

There was an ache in her heart, a missing piece of herself that even the newly comforting presence of Shai could not wipe away. She began to recede in on herself, she rarely ventured out from her den, and she avoided any placed that still smelled like Rhythm, like the plague. A large part of her, could never forget that this was voluntary on Rhythm's part, that she had chosen to do this to her, she was not forced. She didn't think, even until the day she died, she would ever understand why the wolf she loved could have so easily chosen to break her.

At first it was the hurt that kept her away, and then it was her pride, but as even weeks began to slip slowly from her grasp, and the miserable girl became thin, and hollow cheeked, a ghost in Abaven's territory, even her pride slipped from her grasp. Who was she kidding.. she had no pride left, no heart, she was a miserable half-person, she was weak and useless alone as she was discovering, because apparently she simply could not be without her other half, without her almost twin.

She knew she needed to get her life back together, Rhythm had made her own choice and now they all had to live with it, she had responsibilities, she had Shaye, she needed to find out what would get her past this so she could move on with her life... even if that meant a life without Rhythm. Finally, she would make her choice and she would leave Abaven territory and make her way to Imp's. She had no idea how this meeting would turn out, but it was long overdue. She had asked Rhythm for time, and had not seen a single sign of her sister since those words, either her sister had simply given up on her, or she was still giving her time.
She stood outside Imp's territory, attempting to hold herself together, as she raised her head and howled for her sister.
