
I miss you



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-21-2015, 04:00 PM

The chocolate colored girl was doing better a few weeks down the road, mostly. She'd gotten out and participated, Shaye visited her often enough that she felt the connection to home. Though Valentine was succeeding in slowly making Imperium feel more like it. Her heart still took up residence in Abaven. Motif and Bass were still out there, still barred from her. She was fearful what might happen if she really did show up at Abaven's borders, having no word from Chord or Shaye on Bass's position. Though she'd heard nothing from her brother and could only assume his words were really as final as they were on that day.

She hadn't expected her sister's voice to sound that day either, and Rhythm felt the pain it brought. She'd secretly hoped for Motif's return to her, but still felt weary of their next meeting. Had Shaye said anything about her visits? She'd feel an anxiety build in her chest as he slipped from the boulder that was her den, she felt like she spent more time on top of it than inside. Taking deep breaths and trying so hard to keep herself together Rhythm made her way to Motif's presence. She'd send up a howl as she crossed the distance, eventually coming in sight of her almost twin.

She felt like her heart would break once more at the degraded appearance of her sister. Why was she so uncared for? A whine fell from her lips as she drew more near, unable to touch the sister she once so easily embraced. She didn't know what to expect, but longed for the bond that they once shared. She'd bite her lips as tears threatened to fall and she'd attempt to nose her sister's cheek in a worried greeting, finding words were impossible.
