
Time to begin



6 Years
02-21-2015, 07:30 PM

To say Voltage was excited was an understatement. He loved the Beach, loved the water and the way it reflected the sky, loved how the warmth of the summer swelled around him but didn't seem to imposing with the water at his fingertips. The caves gave a cool earthy vibe, and he knew, from first hand impressions, that the storms here were breathtaking. This place was the best suited for his family, he found, at least so he assumed. There were so many boxes on their checklist that they had to tick, and it was almost impossible for any one land to offer everyone exactly what they wanted. He had been there when Glacier told them of the move, and he had been there to support each and everyone of his family members if they had anything they wanted to move. He knew Astrea would miss being so close to the stars but he was sure she and her celestial siblings could find a perch somewhere above a cave to watch or bask in their selected element. He wasn't too worried for them, infact he wasn't too worried for any of his family, well, except one. One that he litterally had to pull from the Volcano in some way.

With a gentle sigh he moved to nudge Serefina, who had caused a fuss when the fire goddess was told to leave her perch. He loved her so dearly, and he knew this move would be the hardest on her. Somehow, someway he had to offer her the warmth she craved. Somehow he had to make this place sing to her as it would the rest of his family. He glanced at her with stormy eyes, blinking away the mist that gathered along the edges, knowing he was disappointing someone so very close to him with this move. But they had too, there was no room on the volcano for all of them. And as one of the eldest of this family he would have to do what was right by the rest of this family. "Sere..." He would whisper by her ear as he made sure she continued walking. "I am sorry that we could not please my most beloved fire maiden. I will make it up to you." He would smile as they all finally reached the point he and Glacier had decided upon. Offering her a kiss to her cheek he turned and trotted up to his big brother's side, perching on the rock beside him.

He listened as Glacier spoke, his eyes glancing from family member to family member, gauging their reactions but his gaze settled on his fire sister the longest. His chest grew tight as he watched her, hoping that she wasnt as upset as he thought she would be, but he doubted it. Instead he offered her the smallest of smiles before gatching Glacier's glance. Private caves? He laughed goodnaturedly, shifting to nudge his brother and roll his eyes. Yes, a private cave would be nice from time to time, but he needed his family, needed to pull in the energy they gave off. It was his sustanence, his life force, he needed to lay with them at night just as they needed their elements. It was his check box, and he was sure he would check it off.

"Since Glacier didn't mention, and you are all big mature adults now, I wont have to remind you to be wary of the water. We don't know how strong the waves are just yet, but I'm sure if anyone wants to go swimming our personal lifeguard Locha will tell us if its safe." He said with a grin, knowing it was weird for safety lessons to come from Voltage who often came home with more scrapes than he should. There was a time, quite recently, where he litterally fell through the earth because he wasn't cautious. But this was his family. "We want, more than anything, for this place to sing to each and every one of you, and I am deeply sorry if it does not. There are so many varying personalities here, its impossible to believe any one land can offer us everything we ask." His eyes settled once more on Serefina again, brows pulling close together before he smiled. "But I...we will work to our dying breath to ensure each of you are comfortable, as Glacier said." His gaze moved again to Locha, Gale, Terrae, and the celestial triplets and Arcus. He sighed then and turned his gaze towards the water that expanded around him. "We have all done well, my beloved siblings. Look how far we have travelled, how far we have come, and I believe we have finally made it." This could be home, finally, to a family that had been left without one for too long. Eyes clouded over as he felt the emotion grip at him. He had finally settled, they had finally found a home.

"Welcome home..." He breathed, looked at each of them and then grinning up at Glacier, nodding that he was done.
