
Time to begin



5 Years
02-21-2015, 07:57 PM

They were leaving.

She looked back at her wonderful volcano with tears in her ember eyes. They were forcing her to leave. She kept stopping, but Voltage was always there to nudge her along. She growled at her dear brother as she did so, not even looking at her closest sibling. She wasn't stupid, she knew that the volcano was too small for all of them, but it still was her volcano. They hardly even hung out together as a huge family! Well, maybe they did when she was away. But still the fire woman burned, each step that they took farther away from Mount Volkan and a tiny piece was dropped behind and left. She didn't blame anyone, not really. She was just much like her element, hot headed and easy to make mad. And right now, she was pissed. Really, really pissed. By now her and Voltage were far behind the rest, and she didn't even care. She wanted to go back. Flame dusted head dropped low, a whine leaving her maw as she stepped on to the black sand. Voltage whispered that he was going to make it up to her, and her lips curled back into a snarl as she snapped in his direction. Pointedly stepping away from him, she flopped to her rump before Glacier. Serefina knew that that had probably hurt Volt, but right now she didn't care. She sure as hell was going to regret that later.

The two eldest spoke of the place, telling them details. She could feel Voltage's eyes casting on her form, but she never even looked up at him, not a chance. But when her electric brother said those last three words, her head snapped up and she snarled, standing on all fours as her hackles raised. "Home?" she spat, a laughter lacking any humor slipping from her lips. "How is this home? This will never be home! I was taken from the one place, the one place that I have felt safe at! And you want to call this home? Well screw you! This will never be my home," her words were harsh as she spat them out at her family. Breathing heavily as tears started to pool in her eyes, she turned away without another word and stalked away from the group. Serefina broke out into a full run then, turning and racing away down the unknown beach. There was fire at her heels, like she couldn't get away quick enough. Tears ran down her soot and flame face, and she hoped that no one would follow her.

-Exit Serefina unless stopped-

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