
Time to begin



5 Years
02-21-2015, 08:21 PM

When the family departed from the volcano, Locha stayed relatively close to the front. Her ribs still gave her trouble sometimes, but she was mobile enough just now. Every once in a while she'd look back to the volcano, every time seeing Voltage and Sere lagging further behind them. A crashing storm raged inside her mind. Should she go and help Sere along? Mocha knew it must've been tough for her sister to move from the volcano. It called to her, just as other elements did to the rest of her siblings. The family was asking her to move away from her element! Even though she wanted to go to her, a nagging thought pushed at it. Locha and Serefina had never been the closest. Their elements were the complete opposites. It wasn't as if they were on bad terms.

The further they travelled, the more Locha doubted herself and before she could make a move, they'd arrived. It was only when her siblings came to a stop around them that she looked up. As she did, a breathtakingly view met her eyes. The sea was before her! In all its glory! She grinned widely, taking it all in. Her eyes caught Glaciers as the shone with happiness. As she looked around, her eyes caught her fiery sisters form. Her excitement wavered. This wasn't what would make Sere happy. Quietly she sat down and listened to her brothers, sneaking glances to her fiery sister. She could see the building tension so much that she jumped as her sister burst. Her eyes widened as her sister shouted, her words like needles. Before she ran off, Locha stood up, tears pricked at her blue eyes. Soon Locha was chasing after her. She didn't want her sister to be unhappy.

"Sere!" she shouted, voice wavering. Her limp was starting to show her legs slowing. She couldn't keep up with her sister however much she wanted to. Mocha came to a stop, looking at her red sister as she ran.

"Burn Baby Burn"