
Time to begin



6 Years
02-21-2015, 08:34 PM

It had hurt so terribly when Serefina had snapped at him, but Voltage had been the brunt of her fire before and he was almost used to the burning he felt. But it still hurt, it really did. Voltage did everything in his power to make her happy, but it seemed that he couldn't do it all. The joy he felt for finally finding a place they could all call their own was quickly pushed away when he felt more than heard his sisters firey explosion. Visibling wincing he blinked at her, brows pulled and chest tight. His jaw clenched as he moved to stand, eyes misting as he listened to his sister. "S-sere!" He whispered, his voice tight as he took it all, all her anger. It was his job to be the one to take it all, it was his duty to protect his siblings and her from her own fire. He glanced, once, towards Terrae before sighing. He was the only one Voltage had spoken about the energy he longed from his family, and he wondered if now his earthy brother would understand what he had said. But then she turned, she bolted, fire at her heels and he would instantly move after her. "Glacier, take it from here. I'll take care of this." He said in as calm a voice as he could handle, yet it was still tight with the pain he felt as he smiled to his gathered family before he leapt from his rock. He was the only one that could rival his sister in her speed, his coming in bursts and hers just a steady speed. He would pause beside Locha and smile his toothy grin. "Don't worry little sister. You go back, and don't work yourself too hard. I'll take care of Serefina." He said with a gentle smile, moving to lay a kiss along her neck before he was off again, bursting like lightening in the sky after the fire that was his sister. He would catch her, and they would talk. In some way, whether it was by teeth or by voice, they would get this anger out and he would do everything to make this right. Everything. She was due more than that, but it was all he could do.

-exit Volty-
