
Time to begin



6 Years
Extra large
02-21-2015, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 08:49 PM by Glacier.)

Things would quickly fall apart, as Sere, the sister who had already been in her heaven of a home, burst out with her indignation, and he knew that she was terribly upset. He had seen it brewing in her all through the move from the Volcano to here, but he had not thought she would react quite so strongly at the end of the trip, and even Voltage, who understood Sere far better then he or any other in their family wasn't able to stop its eruption. He watched her, worried for her and wishing he could help, but knew that anything he said likely would not help.

He was tense, concerned for his sister and wanting to go after her – but torn, because he also wanted to settle the family in rather then have this turn to chaos, he wanted everyone to be happy. He would first see Locha run after Sere, and he winced, opening his maw wondering if he should call her back – their fiery and watery siblings didn't always mix well and he didn't want sweet Locha to take the brunt of Sere's flame. He need not be concerned however as Voltage leaped forward, the only one among them really able to help Sere out here, and he would nod thankfully at his brother, and offer him a steady smile to say he believed in him, and then his brother was gone, pausing only to gently tell Locha something.

He waited a moment longer, until Voltage had departed, and then turned all his attention to the remaining siblings. “If anyone can help Sere, its Voltage, she will be alright, lets concentrate on our move for the moment, through, okay?” he addressed them all, his tones warm, conversational rather then commanding – he was not the boss of them, but their protector, and he wanted to make sure everything worked out for them all. “As I said before, anyone with questions let me know, and those who want to go off exploring on their own may do so, however I will also be giving a tour, so those who would like to be in on that let me know” he concluded.

"Burn Baby Burn"