
Time to begin



5 Years
02-21-2015, 09:26 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 09:29 PM by Caeli.)

Astrea did not want to leave. She have lived close to the ground all her life, an island is at sea level after all. It was only after coming to the top of this volcano that she fully felt the power that her stars had over her. It was only then that she felt calm enough to sleep at night instead of surcharging the highest point to bask in the little lights in the sky trying to pull enough calming energy to work through the day.

So when her brothers gathered them all she held back, she longed to stay, to fad into the shadows like she so easily did sometimes and make her way back. It was easy after all, no one payed her much mind. Even her closest siblings the sun and moon never payed attention to her, she was just always ghosting them, close at hand if they needed her.

When they set out she lagged. The last in the long line of wolves, She was even behind Sere and Volt if they looked behind them. She was constantly looking behind her, her pale eyes tracing the tip of the mountain, her perch for so many weeks. Yes she could go back, yes she could visit Seerten on his mountain but it would not be the same as laying beneath the stars that where so close. As they moved closer to the sound of water she felt the pull and calm lessen, panic quickly rising. And as she set paws on the shinny blackness of the beach her eyes locked on Volt pleading in her eyes. She did not mind the cramped caves of the volcano, she slept outside anyway, but she knew he would not budge, he thought this was the best solution to the situation.

They all gathered around a set of rocks with Glac and Volt in the center. She sat on the edge, futurist from the water. She wanted to leave, go to Seerten's mountain and just live there, but she also loved her siblings, all of them even the elder brothers who left before her birth.

When he talked of caves and exploring she was uninterested, she turned her head and looked over the cliffs that where way to low to the volcano that she could barely see, it was so far away, and even Seerteen was further. She let out a small whine, she will have to leave for days to see the big loveable guy. She looked to Sol and Selini, then back the way they came. This place held nothing for her, other then her siblings, the cliffs not remotely high enough for her peace of mind.

When Serefina took off she was tempted to go too, fade into the backdrop and leave; go to the starry cliffs again, see Seerten and bask in the clam the near stars gave her. She again looked at the siblings left, they all meant so much to her but she could not feel the stars, they where too far.

She moved back, her dark pelt blending into the obsidian, even her purple spots mixed in and moved back, she would be back, but did not know when. Most probably wouldn't even notes her gone, She was sitting behind everyone with there eyes on Glac after all.

-exit Astrea-
