
Time to begin



8 Years
Athena I
02-21-2015, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 09:42 PM by Solaris.)

Solaris padded along behind his older siblings, being sure to stay side by side with his moon twin the whole way. He tried to keep an eye on Astrea as well, but it was hard to when she refused to stay with the rest of the group. The celestial triplets. He honestly hated change and he did like living on the volcano with its warmth and how close he felt to the sun, but as long as he was with Selini and Astrea he was sure he would adjust. He was very interested to see these black sands his siblings spoke of. Sand was generally pretty warm anyway, he was sure this dark-hued beach would be just as warm if not warmer. Sunrises over the beach must be glorious as well.

They finally arrived and curious orange eyes glanced around at it all. They all settled down in front of Glacier and Voltage, Solaris sitting himself as close to Selini as he could. Whenever something changed in his life he clung to his twin like a leach. She was his one constant. By the time his older brothers finished giving their speech about this new place he was actually feeling pretty good about it all. He smiled and glanced to Selini, giving his twin's cheek a small kiss. However, his calm was suddenly jolted when their fire sibling burst out in all kinds of harsh words before turning and running away from the group, Voltage quickly following after her.

His dark-tipped ears flicked back uncomfortably and he looked back up to Glacier as he reassured them that everything was fine and offered them a tour. He first looked to Selini before turning his head to look behind him, trying to find Astrea. The last he saw was her star-marked tail fading into the darkness. He whined softly, frantically glancing to his moon. "Astrea," he said softly, his voice laced with concern. Should he go after her? His orage gaze searched Sel's pale yellow, looking for an answer.

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